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Relaxing Tips

Traveling is so exciting, but can get overwhelming at times. Here are a few things you can do to ground down and really enjoy your trip no matter what comes your way.

Learn how to ground yourself with an easy few breaths.

Your breath is the most powerful tool that you have to make yourself feel better ASAP. Slowly start to deepen your inhales, and deepen your exhales to guide you back to the present moment.


You can also find tons of easy meditations on Spotify or Apple Music to go back to whenever you're feeling overwhelmed with travel.


Scared of turbulence while flying?

You're not alone. About 40% of travelers in the US are scared of flying. But, it may be refreshing to know that it's the safest mode of transportation out there.


Think about it - every pilot has to go through rigorous training, they are very comfortable with the routes they fly, and have the support of air traffic control. Driving your car to the grocery store is more dangerous than flying. 


Want more reassurance?

  • no plane has ever crashed because of turbulence

  • dive into Airline Pilot TikTok - there are a lot of pilots on TikTok who dive deeper into turbulence and how it's really not that bad

  • Spotify has meditations for turbulence - be sure to download them before your flight!​


Wait to post your content until you get back to your stay in the evening.

There's so much to soak in while you're traveling. Rather than wasting your time struggling to post to your stories while you've got slow data, save your content to your phone and post them whenever you're back to your hotel wifi. 


That way, you can stay present and soak it all in. It's also good practice to keep yourself safe so you're not providing strangers with your updated location throughout the day. 


Leave a day with no plans.

If your trip is at least a week long, leave yourself an open day somewhere in the middle. That way you can have a self-care day, and give your mind and body whatever it needs to recharge.


Maintain some of your daily habits and routines.​

Do you normally journal or meditate first thing when you wake up everyday? Then be sure to bring some of those habits with you while you're traveling. 

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